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Показ дописів із міткою Astell & Kern AK100 Mark 2. Показати всі дописи

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Astell & Kern AK100 Mark 2

Astell & Kern expands their selection of high res portable music player with $799 Astell & Kern AK100 Mark 2 .

The AK100 Mark 2 is the same machine as as AK100 but with output impedance of 3 ohms. This makes it easier to drive a greater number of headphones. The AK100 Mark 2 spot genuine Italian-leather case from Buttero.
The AK100 and AK100 Mark 2 comes with:
32GB of memory
two 32GB microSD card slots
single Wolfson WM8740 DAC
up to 16 hours of continuous music playback.